Atari Bay Area Computer Users Society

c/o 88 Buena Vista Ave., #6, San Anselmo CA 94960-2465
(415) 469-7924 (Voice)

A.B.A.C.U.S. Membership Application

Dues are $20.00 per year for which you receive the monthly newsletter and discounts on group purchases of hardware and software. You can join at the meetings or by mail.
Name____________________________________________   Telephone (      )_____________


City____________________________________________   State________   ZIP____________

E-Mail__________________________________________   Check here if Renewal: [ ]

Please tell us a little bit about yourself: I own an Atari__________________________________ Other__________________________ I am interested in: 1. [ ] Public Domain/Shareware Software 2. [ ] Telecommunications/Internet 3. [ ] MIDI/Music 4. [ ] Desktop Publishing 5. [ ] Word Processing 6. [ ] Data Processing 7. [ ] Games 8. [ ] Graphics 9. [ ] Business Applications 10. [ ] Fairs/Shows 11. [ ] Programming 12. [ ] IBM/Mac/Atari Emulation 13. [ ] Other__________________________________________________________________ I can help with: 1. [ ] Newsletter 2. [ ] Disk Library 3. [ ] Web Site 4. [ ] FTP Server 5. [ ] Technical Support 6. [ ] Executive Board 7. [ ] Other__________________________________________________________________

Mail this form with your check for $20 (payable to ABACUS) to:

A.B.A.C.U.S., c/o 88 Buena Vista Ave., #6, San Anselmo CA 94960-2465

Thank you for supporting Atari user groups! -- ABACUS

© 2009 ABACUS

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